Tummy Tuck Procedures for Postpartum Body Restoration: Reducing Belly Fat
Tummy Tuck Procedures for Postpartum Body Restoration: Reducing Belly Fat
Tummy tuck procedure to shed extra belly fat in postpartum. This procedures help women get back in shape post-pregnancy and enjoy a healthy body and mind.

The nine months of pregnancy and the arrival of a baby are a joyous journey for most women; however, getting back into their previous body shape is a challenge for them.

With the advancement of technology and novel surgical interventions, the plastic surgeons at CK Birla Hospital in Gurugram have successfully performed a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty on a 51-year-old patient who had a huge amount of loose skin and fat around her upper and lower tummies, along with loose rectus muscle, which made the tummy more prominent. Despite her efforts, she was unable to get rid of the belly fat.

After trying all dietary and exercise programmes, the patient from Gurugram consulted the plastic surgeons at CK Birla Hospital.

She underwent Tummy Tuck with loose diastasis recti repair and 360 liposuctions. “Indian females face a unique challenge when it comes to getting rid of post-pregnancy tummy fat. This area is the most resistant to diet and exercise, making it difficult for women to regain their pre-pregnancy shape. The 51-year-old patient was counselled before the procedure, and she also expected realistic results. She has completed three weeks of her surgery, where a patient has to take certain precautions, and is now ready to move out with confidence and feel fit, which has also alleviated her confidence”, says Dr Anmol Chugh, Consultant, Plastic Surgeon, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram.

During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) is usually tightened with sutures as well. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look.

The doctors explained that the ideal time to consider a tummy tuck is usually between 9 months and 1 year after pregnancy. However, due to busy schedules and prioritizing other aspects of life, many patients tend to delay this essential step towards reclaiming their health and bodies.

“Every ethnicity has different body types, and therefore, the treatment plan for various cosmetic procedures also differs. It is crucial to understand that every patient is unique, and their goals and desires should be taken into consideration. This patient’s journey highlights the importance of asking patients what they truly want to achieve from the procedure. By tailoring the treatment plan to meet the individual’s expectations, the chances of overall satisfaction are greatly increased,” added Dr Chugh.

A tummy tuck can be a life-changing procedure for women who struggle with stubborn tummy fat and loose skin.

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